Won’t allow

"That's a lot of pressure," Beatrix huffed. 

"I know that I want you. I know that given a million options, I would choose you every time, but if you don't feel the same, then that is enough of an answer for me. Choose me or don't, but I know that revenge had nothing to do with our relationship after day one. It was just an excuse to keep seeing you," Damien replied while standing slowly. 

He towered over her, the picture of masculinity, of power, of strength. Yet, his eyes proved that he felt as confused, as wild, as messy as Beatrix did. She wasn't the only one hurt. Damien meant every word coming out of his mouth and that willingness to be vulnerable and real mattered. 

Beatrix stood slowly, her eyes staying on his as she swallowed. All she wanted was this kind of openness from them. She'd craved it – the assurance that they wanted her the same way she wanted them. 

"This is more than attraction or lust, isn't it?" She asked him.