Fit you perfectly

Stella gazed out at the sprawling urban landscape of the mall, feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

She had never had much experience with shopping, having been deprived of any sort of financial independence for the longest period of her life as a woman in her twenties.

Now, with her last hundred dollars in hand, she stood at a crossroad, torn between the desire to purchase a new outfit and the practicality of using the money to sustain herself with meals for the next couple of weeks.

The decision was clear. If she wanted to buy an outfit, she would have to scour the racks of a thrift store, hoping to find something that fit and didn't look too worn. It wasn't the glamorous shopping experience she'd always dreamed of, but she knew that it was her only option.

"So, a meal it is," she whispered to herself with determination. She set off in search of the food court, ready to make her last funds count.