Wound Dressing

His entire being emanated a different kind of dominance from the current situation that he was in. That much was clear, and she could tell. Why? Despite his current state, her insides reacted to him in the most unexpected way. Wetness stewed from her depths, straining easily to reveal itself through her panties. She didn't know how much longer she'd be able to endure his possessive hold. It did things to her arousal. How pathetic.

  I would surely faint if he continued to hold me this way.

And that she was most certain of. With one quick intake of breath, she blinked and replied, "Alright sir, I won't."

"Good," His reply had an underlying huskiness to it. 

I really hope I did not imagine it because – Her thoughts were confirmed when she noticed the hint of a smile form on his lips. If he was smiling then that would only mean – all of this was happening on purpose.