
When she heard his question, her eyes flew open, her face snapping back to meet his, her breathing hitched with a mixture of fear, frustration and curiosity. She pressed against the wall, meeting him head-on, her resolve unyielding.

"Yes, that's more like it. I love the warrior spirit." He stated with a mild laugh, jerking her even closer to himself and causing her breasts to mould into his chest.

"Release me right this instant." Her frustration surged, her voice low and menacing as she retorted. 

Unfazed by her words, Matteo growled, tracing a finger along the swell of her cleavage, fuelling the tension that coursed between them. "All through the night you've driven me to provocation, donning this beguiling attire and allowing yourself get touched here and there, by men that you've only just met."