
Stella's earlier flushed face morphed into one of unguarded fury, brought about by her dissatisfaction from being teased. Her eyes took on a fiery flame that had come upon her almost against her will, and so, to guard herself from reacting based on, she pushed herself toward the edge of the bed.

"Where do you think you're going?" He beckoned, seizing her arm in a firm grip and yanking her back to him.

"Let—me go, you—" she protested, bracing her limbs to flail if the need arose. But just when she was about to proceed, he cupped her face with both hands, forcing her gaze to lock with his, strangely in-depth with emotions she did not want to believe existed within him.

His brown orbs glistened with something that even a fool would recognize, a fondness that could not be denied. One that had taken root almost naturally in his depths, as if they belonged there. And for what felt like an eternity, she felt as though she was in the arms of her soulmate.