Break in

Stella walked into her bathroom, staring hard at her solemn reflection. She'd spent several minutes in tears as she pondered the possibilities that laid ahead regarding her relationship with Matteo.

Either option was not going to give her a good ending, the odds were well against her and there was nothing she could do about it except choose the less devastating one—to be labelled a fraud before him.

Her now bloodshot eyes was the evidence of her last rites of what had now become an almost blossoming bond between them. She did not know a heartbreak could hurt this bad, and now, she had a deep sated respect for the ones that managed to get back on their feet and move on.

A fresh bout of tears trickled down her cheeks, against her will. She righted the neck part of her black turtleneck top, making sure to conceal the fairness of her neck, in order to avoid being spotted in the dark. And then, she adjusted the black scarf around her face.