
A week had elapsed since Matteo and Remo had dealt with Nolan. The unsettling news remained hidden, unspoken, like a secret waiting for the right moment to be let out. Stella's condition was gradually improving, and Matteo was cautious not to add any more stress to her still-healing body.

In the passing days, her recovery had been remarkably swift. She surprised everyone, herself included, by regaining the ability to walk independently within a mere three days. Despite her persistent pleas to leave the stifling hospital environment, Beatrix had enforced the doctor's recommendation of a week's stay.

Finally, that week had drawn to a close, much to Stella's relief. Beatrix bustled into the ward, accompanied by a nurse pushing a wheelchair. Stella's expression turned darkly challenging as she watched them approach.

"Here comes the nurse brigade," Beatrix announced with a bright smile, the nurse following closely behind her.