New And Chaotic Magic!



[You exchanged 90 Stat Points]

[You gained +180 MP!]

[You exchanged 10 Skill Points]

[The Levels of the [Green Magic: Lv3], [Life Drain: Lv2], [Spirit Magic: Lv3], [Spiritual Shield: Lv1] Skills have increased!]

[The [Green Magic: Lv4] Skill has unlocked the [Terrain Reading], [Dirt Shaping], and [Earth Wall] Spells!]

[The [Spirit Magic: Lv4] Skill has unlocked the [Wind Spirit Call], [Whirlwind], and [Spiritual Leap] Spells!]


[Player Name]: [Planta]

[Title]: [Legendary Warrior]

[Race]: [Dryad: Lv20/20]

[Race EXP]: [--/--]

[Job Class]: [Farmer: Lv20/20]

[Job Class EXP]: [--/--]

[Satiation]: [86/100]

[HP]: [430/430]

[MP]: [1360/1360] -> [1540/1540]

[STR]: [107]

[VIT]: [107]

[DEX]: [107]

[AGI]: [244]

[INT]: [263]

[WIS]: [230]

[LUC]: [125]

[Race Skills: 9/10]