Meeting High Level Players


According to the guider spirit, there was a bunch of people moving here right now, and they were coming directly to the Fairy Country! They were all Players to boot. Can Players infiltrate this place? I am pretty sure it is well hidden, and the magic barrier the Fairy Queen set up is still active.

Unless… they force their way maliciously and break the barrier and then assault all the NPC!

Ah… but don't Players get punished if they hurt NPC? Right… I don't think they can go so far I suppose. Players are restricted and cannot directly hurt NPC by any means. If they ever hurt or kill an NPC, they might get banned for several days or even permanently. Well, based in what I've investigated.

"Are they high level!?" I asked.

"Yeah, they're all super high level! All of them are at least above Level 150!" Said the Guider.

"Whaaaat?!" I cried in shock.