The Demon King's Endless Greed


The Demon King of Miasma laughed.

Within his Continent, the Players looked at the distance as the monstrous being, a gigantic titan that had left this entire continent in ruins started to laugh.

"Gahahaha… GAHAHAHAHA!"

As his laughter reverberated across the surroundings, the Players felt a strange feeling.

"Why is the Demon King laughing out of nowhere?"

"He had been staying still for an awful lot of time before it started laughing."

"Even if we continuously hit that thing, it hasn't even lost a 0.1% of its HP…"

"This is odd… Is this a new event? Maybe he'll die soon?"

"We just got some messages recently, that Player Planta dealt tons of damage to the Boss without even being here! Is she cheating the game or something?"

"Its HP went down a lot, it is around 20% now, but we can't even deal a single point of damage ourselves… Why the fuck am I even Level 200 then?!"