Second Chance And Evolution


"I will give you a second chance, because despite the bad things you've done, you were also wronged."

"Second chance?!"

"If you die, then that would be the end of it, don't you think? How will you be able to make up for all the wrong you've brought if you simply disappear?"

"You're insane…"

"No… I just want to believe the words of your mother."


I extended my hand towards him and touched him with the tip of my finger.

"Oh child of chaos, be reborn as a new seedling. Your journey is not done yet… You must use this new opportunity to repent and do good. You promise me?"

"I-I… Why? Why would I…?!"

His face distorted, as he quickly seemed to recall his own mother through me.

"Why are you being so merciful against a monster… I don't understand."

"I told you I want to believe your mother's words. Do you not believe hers?"

"Mo… mother…"