The Danger Of The Dimensional Cracks & A New Power


A crisis?!

Well, I kind of knew already…

"I knew about it…" I sighed. "The Great Spirit told me."

"T-The Great Spirit of Harvest, you mean?!" Asked the Gods, most of the surprised.

And then they all glanced back at Gaia.

"Gaia, have you been watching over your Great Spirit?!" Asked the God of Fire.

"I-I… Well, I was going to tell you about this…" Gaia said, feeling slightly surprised. "C-Come on! Don't look at me like that! It's not as if having her in the other side won't be a good thing!"


The God of Creation stroked his beard, nodding.

"Certainly, that is true. It is better this way to be honest. So you know about the Mana flowing into the other world, right?" Asked the God of Creation. "Great Spirit, there's no point in hiding your presence either."


Suddenly, the Great Spirit of Harvest showed up, in her carrot form, of course.

"A-Ahahaha… H-Hello there, Great Lord!"

The God of Creation sighed, he seemed to know about her mischief.