The Magician Families


Mark, Rita, and Josuke finished cleaning the Rat Monster corpses, gathering a big pile of Magic Crystals. There were over thirty of them, and the Rat Queen's Magic Crystal was the biggest, overflowing with magical power.

"Oh man this is great! So much loot out of nowhere!" Laughed Mark happily. "I guess we got lucky. You too."

"Yeah, I guess I should be thankful." Rita said. "If you didn't came out of nowhere with that giant cannon, I would be rat's food right now, or something. Though, you never told me you had such a hottie as your friend, Mark! Hey~!"

"H-Hi…" Josuke felt slightly overwhelmed by Rita's personality. "Name's Josuke, I am… A Sword Agent, I imagine you're a civilian that awakened her powers much like Mark and this Elayne friend you share?"

"Yep!" Said Rita. "Hey are you single?"

"Single? Yes, why?" Josuke wondered.

"Hehehe…" Rita started giggling.

"Aren't you married?" Mark said, quickly killing Rita's mood.