Cleaning The City Off Threats


I continued trying out my new Techniques, they all packed more than just a mere punch. Their power was rather surprising, with a few Spirit Fists and Piercing Tree Kicks I was able to easily kill Hollows within the E+ Rank of strength, and with some more intensity and magic, even D Ranked Hollows were no exception.

Although I can also fight using my weapon and hitting things really hard by unleashing powerful blows, these physical attacks always spend some Mana and Spiritual Energy to be strong, the stronger they are, the more they drain away at my energy.

However, with these Physique Techniques, it is not the case, they require incredibly small quantities of energies to utilize, and pack a really strong power. However, I have yet to grow accustomed to fight physically like this, so maybe it would be good to take Karate Classes or something.