Opening The Nether Treasure Chests


"Ah, a dear customer! At long last!"

A small undead, resembling the skeleton of a goblin, wearing a black robe, and carrying a huge backpack filled with trinkets greeted me. As I flew outside of my territory, slowly descending from the walls he seemed to be growing more excited.

"Are you the Underworld Merchant?" I wondered. "Are you not allied with the Demon King of Death?"

"Oh my, no, I would never ally myself with such an evil scoundrel, dame." He said with a rather polite tone of voice. "We are an association of merchants that live in the depths of the Underworld. When the Portals leading to the Living World started to open, some of us decided to boldly explore this new world and gather whatever resources we could find! We are truly neutral, and we desire no fight either. We only care about good profits, coin, and nice trinkets."