The Hidden Dungeon's Final Boss Emerges!


"They're almost here!"

"That Yggdrasil Witch's magic is spreading everywhere! Don't touch the plants!"

"Quickly! Open the emergency gate! While the rest is fighting, we have to at least bring these things to our master! Bring the fetuses of the chimera prototypes as well!"

The cultists were all carrying many things from the other rooms in the small underground facility, rushing towards the gate which was still sealed.

One of the magicians quickly waved his wand, attempting to open the gate so everyone could run away from the massacre happening right next to them.



A purple slime emerged in front of them, blocking the gate that had just open, her entire body quickly shapeshifting to gain many spikes which she constantly expanded everywhere.

"Nah, you're not getting anywhere, bastards!"

"A-A slime?!"


"She's poisonous, watch out!"
