Dragon Spirits Against Zombie Cultists!



"Die! Die! Diee!"


"We'll drag you to hell with us!"

The Miasmic Zombies could even speak, their monstrous faces groaning back at me with utter resentment and fury, yet I faced them all head-on without hesitating!

"I felled all of you once, and I'll slay you a second time if that's necessary to rid this world from you!"

I swung my swords relentlessly as the Dragon Spirits around me kept unleashing their breath attacks or fusing into my claws to unleash elemental claw attacks.


I kept mostly spamming my new Exorcizing Holy Blade Technique, which was even added to the Skill itself, facilitating the activation process!

"[Divine Sword Slash]! [Heroic Parry]! [Exorcizing Holy Blade]!"

I unleashed large waves of holy light against them, while those that leaped from behind were quickly blocked by exorcizing blade slashing blows, magic attacks were blocked through Heroic Parries!