Elena's Amazing Abilities


"Wow, she cut the entire arm in seconds!" Jenny said at our side, she had also accompanied us to the gym to exercise enough. "Did you said she was a newbie?!"

"She certainly got potential!" Rita was amazed as well.

"W-Wow, didn't her vibe… kind of changed?" Asked Lily.

"She sure changed more than just appearance…" Monica nodded. "S-She's a bit scary…"

"Her appearance… It really looks like her Avatar, even you don't change that much either. You can't turn into an Yggdragon as well, right?" Mark wondered.

"Yeah, I can't." I nodded. "And you can't become the giant you're in Arcadia either. At most, we can partially shapeshift parts of our bodies but… a total, complete transformation is impossible. Yet…"

"Your daughter just kind of did it…" Mark laughed over the ridiculousness of Elena's potential.