Time For Another Hidden Dungeon Exploration


(Elayne's POV)

After leaving Elena and Anna go on their date while Morpheus watched over them to protect them, we decided to log-in with Mark rather early after having lunch.

Of course, I had to take another bath because we had a little fun in bed, but aside from that, everything was good!

Once we logged-in, Rita and Lily had yet to log-in themselves, but we found Jenny already logged-in, and also most of Angelina's party too.

We ended having a big meeting on Ambil's forgery, having a talk while we helped him forge new ingots, weapons, and pieces of armor for our sale today.

Adventurers have been coming since the morning, according to Acorn, Nieve, Brisingra, and him have been working nonstop since then, so they felt relieved we arrived!

"Good thing you're finally here, Lady Planta, Titan!" Acorn celebrated. "We can… finally take a break, ugh…"

"Hey, don't you remember my name, fluffy?" Asked Jenny angrily.