Hunting IRL


"According to this small summary entry they wrote about them…" I said, reading from my phone. "These guys are Giant Mole Birds, flightless birds whose front wings transformed into giant clawed limbs they use to dig underground. They are slightly aggressive when provoked, but their biggest threat is that they have begun eating crops from nearby farms. So taking care of them will also help a few people."

"Ooh, I see…" Mark nodded, equipping his enchanted clothing's, which were some military clothes. "Every time I wear these clothes I feel a bit embarrassed, I used to be a big military junkie, not anymore though…"

"Haha, it's fine, you look good on them." I giggled, I had already equipped my own enhanced clothes which counted as armor as well. "It has been a hot minute since we have hunted some monsters instead of just the daily Hollows, isn't it?"