Entering The Verdant Green Realm


Apparently, there were more deity-like entities on Arcadia than just the main Gods of Creation we knew about. In fact, there might be many more than just "Mother Nature" or as they call her, "Lady Verdant".

According to what they told me, she was a Nature Soul that represented the entire continent of Verdant, the largest continent of Arcadia, which has been the one where all life has flourished.

It also surprised me they didn't pray to Gaia, it felt like such an obvious thing, yet it seems Druids are more connected to beings they can at least talk to than a God that will never interact with them.

It seems the Gods of Creation favor players more than the own inhabitants of the world, as it appears they think they have been long dead, according to just rumors.

Perhaps this is the reason all the shrines of the Gods belong to the same religion? It is just the general religion of the Gods of Creation, with not differences.