The Power Of {Celestial Draconic Weapon Creation}!



[The Boss [Abyssal Dark Hell Demonic Beast Of A Hundred Eyes: Lv330+] HP has fallen below 50%! The Boss has grown desperate, unifying its eyes together into a gigantic one, and becoming a flying, tentacled abomination!]

[All of the Boss' Magic Power has increased by +200%, while gaining the ability to limitlessly fly and conjure magic circles instantly!]

"That thing became even larger now?!" Elbedo muttered, he was already busy dealing with all the small fry spread everywhere.

"This is becoming progressively more hopeless…" Cecilia cried.

"Dammit! Should we escape?!" Hermes asked.

"No, but if we let that thing go, everything will be gone!" Mercedes said.

"Mom's right, we can't let it escape!" Brisingra nodded. "I-I mean, Auntie's right!"