Doing The Impossible


Elayne couldn't find a proper way to describe what was happening to Mercedes, but she would have said that the elven woman was becoming the embodiment of distorted and decaying time and space. Her face melted down and so the rest of her body, her arms stretched and so did her legs. Her skin turned of a translucent gray, green, blue, and red color, looking as if it were made of liquid glass. Her body constantly glitched, showing distorted flashes of light.

Her stretching face showed a screaming, crying woman, Brisingra experienced utter horror as she saw her mother become something else, a monster. Or whatever could else could this be called. She gritted her teeth, preparing her Mana, which Elayne gave her endlessly.

"Mother… I'll help you; I'll free you from whatever you've become!"

"You ready, Brisingra? Good."