Summoning A Mighty Army And Exterminating Pests


The Crimson Flare Termites were not named like that for nothing, their bodies, of over ten meters each, were completely crimson red, so bright it felt like flames were flaring over their bodies, and actually, once they got close enough to us, they did indeed summon flames, from their jaws, and also their exoskeletons released auras of fire. They were quite the blazing little- I mean giant critters.

But that didn't matter much, although each one levels were between Level 280 to Level 300, our army was equally big and strong. All of my party rushed forwards, with the many stats given by my domain, terrain, buffs, and spells and skills, their stats had skyrocketed to completely insane levels, and it was only going to continue increasing.

However, above all, it was time to use my new Divine Skill!