Don't Let Any of them Escape!


Ashhand was dead!

It happened so quickly that the wizards, and even Tomas had little time to react.

Hell, even Elayne's party, Mark, Rita, and Lily had a hard time seeing everything occur so quickly.

Elayne slain the corrupted, perverted old man within 38 seconds.

Mark somehow felt she actually had a bit of a grudge against him for staring at her chest for a while, so Elayne was probably secretly waiting for this opportunity.

So she jumped into the opportunity and happily killed him once she learned he was actually a monstrous aberration.

Honestly, he couldn't help but feel proud of his girlfriend.

But this wasn't the time to admire her!

"I guess we're doing this now, huh?" Rita sighed.

"Uwaah! They were all evil demons at the end!" Lily cried.

"It's going to be hard to even escape!" Mark said.