The Malicious Guild Master


Planta melted the ingots with the help of her Blazing Smith Flame Spirit, Ignis, and continued enchanting the metal as it cooled down over the mold with Ice and Water Spirit Magic, within seconds, the bracelet base was mostly done. She continued by putting it over the table and using the leftover metal, shaping it using Alchemy into different forms, beautiful tiny chains which she started to engrave magic runes continuously.

They were minuscule in size, yet she did them with extreme precision, using some of her own spirit essence combined with monster crystal dust and spirit stone dust, creating a sort of gold-colored "paint" with high magic properties.

Planta knew that she would be unable to ever do this with her real body, this was all thanks to her very high Dexterity Stat, giving her an amazing control and precision over every movement she had.