The Mysterious Quest Appears Again


Planta understood and explained the true nature of Melisa's curse, relieving the girl of her greatest problem with only a few words.

"I think what's happening is that the curse is related to being seen by others, I noticed your Cursed Aura affected me even more when I saw your true appearance. And this might also be what causes disgust by others."

"S-So that's how it is… My appearance combined with my curse, so only by looking at me, how awful…"

"As you can see this world is full of all kinds of people and appearances, there's even skeletons and ghouls out there, you're nowhere near as spooky as those! Hahaha!"

"R-Right…" Melisa smiled a bit. "Thank you, auntie… sniff, thank you!"

The girl ended hugging Planta as she cried.

Planta sighed, then petted her head, the curse, as strong as it had become after she saw Melisa, couldn't even hurt her.