Kalmas And The Blighters


"Yes, of course, it's the least we could do."

Jannis nodded, as she explained to us who Aria was.

"Aria was one of the members of our circle. Our circle used to be much larger," said Jannis. "There were over twenty of us before. But most of them deserted, escaped, or ran away somewhere else. Aria was… alongside Jose, my childhood friends. We knew one another since we were kids, many years ago."

"Really? That long?" I wondered. "But she looked much younger…"

"That is because of the powers that Kalmas has granted her," said Jannis. "Kalmas has power over Death and Decay, naturally, aside from spreading this, she can also revert it, giving Aria and the other Blighters youthful bodies again. Although they come with the price of needing more Mana to maintain themselves, or they'll begin aging rapidly again."