The Devastator

The laundromat had sustained significant damage. All its glass window panes had been shattered, and both its doors had been ripped from their hinges. However, the supporting beams and pillars were still in good condition. The building had strong foundations, which was why it was still standing tall amidst the ruins. 

Kevin and Suzy hid behind a row of multipurpose auto-cleaning machines, waiting for the danger to pass. Climbing up to the second or third floor would have been a lot safer, but the elevator was out of order and the stairs were blocked by debris.

The sound of heavy footsteps grew louder as the Devastator came closer. Suzy held her breath and crouched down beside Kevin, her back turned towards the door. The mechanical monstrosity bellowed again and muttered something incomprehensible in its gruff robotic voice. It gradually slackened its pace as it neared the laundromat. Then suddenly, it stopped.