A nasty surprise

Now that Kevin had the Reaver's undivided attention, Shane and his men were out of danger. Since Kevin had destroyed the robot's stinger, it now perceived him as the main threat. So far, the Resistance fighters hadn't been able to penetrate its defenses, which is why it was ignoring them for the moment.

Though Shane was still prejudiced about cyborgs, he was not willing to leave Kevin to his fate. As long as he was a member of his team, it was Shane's responsibility to ensure his safety. The other two veterans felt the same way as well. Pavel, however, was happy to hang back and let Kevin do the fighting.

"Sarge, we can't leave him alone," Liam said, peeking around the broken wall.

"We are not leaving anyone!" Shane affirmed. "He knows what he is doing. We'll have to wait for him to brittle down the Reaver's defenses."