Rip and Tear

Kevin's initial assumption about the creature being attracted to loud noises proved to be correct. The loud beeping of the car alarm had drawn the creature to their location. It was impossible to hide from it now. Guzman and Kevin were standing in plain sight, with no cover.

Though Kevin's bionic scanner picked up an additional heartbeat, he could not spot the creature with his thermal vision. The shrill screeching grew louder as the invisible predator stalked its helpless prey. The sound of something sharp scraping against metal hit Kevin's ears. He turned around in a flash, and his right eye locked onto something standing in the distance. 

It was a glowing orange silhouette with a bright yellow core. Kevin zoomed in on the creature and enhanced the image. It wasn't a four-legged beast as he had expected, but a hunched biped, over six feet tall.