Built for battle

When the meeting finally came to an end, Guzman walked up to the twins, and they left the room together, discussing something in subdued tones. Shane was next to leave, accompanied by Kevin, but Suzy stayed behind at the Professor's request.

Professor Jenkins wanted to know more about Subcity, especially about this Research District he had been hearing so much about. Suzy was happy to explain more about the different labs and the kind of research her mom and dad were involved in. 

The old man was fascinated to learn about the technological advancements they had made in such a short span of time. He couldn't believe they had set up a whole thriving city underground and managed to keep it hidden from the machines.

Lazarus seemed like a poorly made survival bunker compared to Subcity, which could produce its own food and supplies. It was a self-sufficient sanctuary that did not need to rely on scavenging resources from the surface.