On the prowl

Perched precariously on a slanting ledge extending from a sloping roof, Kelly steadied her nerves and leaned forward to line up her eyes with the crossbow's holo sights. It would have been an easy shot for a trained sniper, but Kelly was not used to hitting targets from such a distance.

Kelly's cold index finger lingered over the trigger as she stood poised like a leopard on a hunt. Rivulets of sweat trickled down her forehead even as the cold wind kissed the nape of her neck. She wasn't used to hunting game, even on Psionis, yet here she had been sent to a concrete jungle to take down soulless beasts with fangs of steel. 

There were too many targets on the ground. Even if she did manage to connect her shot, it would alert the other machines. Taking all the risk factors into consideration, she pulled out at the last moment and slung the crossbow over her back.