The Headhunter

By now Kelly had regained sufficient strength to use all her powers again. But to get the most out of her abilities, she needed to shut out the world, and focus her mind.

Out of all the genetically modified humans, the ones with psionic abilities were the rarest. And since their powers stemmed directly from their brain, the more focused the individual, the more destructive their abilities.

Kelly's will was strong, but she did not have enough experience to deal with this kind of situation. As she stepped out into the open, everything around her turned dark. All she could see now was the hangar in front, and the three armored combat vehicles guarding it. 

In the quiet stillness of the night, Kelly could hear her own heartbeat, and the rhythmic panting of the tank's engine. Her mind had turned deaf to all the other noises around her, even though they reached her ears. Neither the chittering of the Reavers nor the buzzing of the drones distracted her.