A wake-up call

Once Kevin seemed stable enough, Dr. Stacey removed his clamps and allowed him to get up from the chair. His movements were a bit clunky due to the long hours spent in stasis, but he was able to walk unassisted. 

"Kevin, I need to perform some basic coordination and reflex tests on you. There's no hurry though. You've just woken up from a coma, so get yourself re-acquainted with your system first," Dr. Stacey said, opening the door of the server room. "We had to deactivate your weapon and defense systems for safety, so try to stay out of trouble for now. I'll remove the restraints once you've undergone your physical and psychological assessments."

"Why do I need to take a psychological assessment?" Kevin asked, immediately going on the defensive. "I am fine. There's nothing wrong with my mental health."