A duel on the rooftop (2)

Gunther grinned from ear to ear as the Rex's launching sequence reached completion. Pulling his tightened fist back with a jerk, he fired his Swarmer missiles at the target on the ground.

Guided by the laser pointer, all the missiles came screaming down on the cyborg. It looked like Kevin had surrendered already, but he still had one last ace up his sleeve. Before the missiles could blow him to smithereens, he activated his Active Camouflage Unit and turned invisible.

The missiles rained down on the rooftop, striking the area marked by laser, but Kevin was no longer standing there. He had jumped up and landed on top of the second water tank.

Gunther kept firing, hoping to hit the cyborg with one of his missiles, but all he managed to do was blow up half the rooftop and set the building on fire.