An adamant defense

Inside the gas station, the Scouts and Scrappers hastily slipped into their Kevlar vests and switched on their night vision goggles. Armed with automatic laser SMGs, they gathered near the back door, ready to move out.

Perched on the roof, Guzman had his eyes trained on the ALCV. He knew they could handle the hummers with ease, but this mid-ranged assault unit was going to give them a real headache.

"We're surrounded by drones. I got two Raiders in exosuits advancing down the road and a lightly-armored assault team moving up the right," Guzman spoke into his communication bracelet. 

"Do you have a shot at their leader?" Kevin asked.

Guzman adjusted the magnification on his sniper and replied, "Negative. He is standing behind his hummer."

"Understood. Hold your position and be prepared to fire on my signal."

"Sure thing, but once I fire we can't back out. That ALCV looks like bad news."