Mirror Mirror

The night grew colder as dark gray clouds gathered in the sky, smothering the waning moon and her retinue of blinking stars. Kevin walked down the dirt road and climbed atop a wrecked hummer. Sitting on its roof, he looked at his hands. They were still wet with blood.

He still remembered a time when he hesitated to kill other people. But now things had changed so much that he had gotten used to the slaughter.

Sitting atop the hummer, Kevin went back to his old life. If the machines hadn't gone rogue, he would still be in school right now, probably failing many more exams and being sent to the Principal's office a dozen times. 

Now that his life had been turned upside down, he yearned to go back to those simpler times, when the only thing he had to worry about was getting a bad grade. He felt alone in this bleak new world. His parents were dead, and the only people he trusted had betrayed him.