The mystery thickens

A grinding feeling of wretchedness seized Kevin as he stared at Trisha's lifeless body hanging from the ceiling. She had lived through the worst of it all, and was only just beginning to overcome her trauma when they threw her into a den of hungry wolves.

Kevin regretted agreeing to Mira's idea. If only they hadn't sent her to spy on the Raiders, she would've been alive now. What was most heart-wrenching was that she had died all alone inside a dark cellar without even knowing that her efforts had helped them rescue the other girls.

"I'm sorry. I failed you," Kevin breathed a defeated sigh and slowly approached her corpse. Untying her hands, he took her in his arms and carried her upstairs.

Cairo shrieked at the gruesome sight and Mira's face instantly lost its color. 

"How did this happen? Who did this to her?" Guzman asked, staring at the corpse.