A hard landing

Kevin had plenty of questions for Dr. Zimmer, but a sudden knock on the door interrupted their conversation. 

"The girls are ready to be airlifted. Are you sure we shouldn't evacuate Alan?" It was Mira's voice on the other side.

Instructing the doctor to keep Alan under observation, Kevin stepped outside. Mira read the nervous expression on his face before he could even say a word.

"Alan's disease is..."

"I understand," Mira replied. Unlike her sister, she had a sensible head on her shoulders and knew how to keep her emotions in check. Instead of arguing with Kevin, she took his side without breathing a word of protest. "I've read about past pandemics. We don't need another catastrophe. If you think Alan can't be cured, I won't argue with you. I trust your judgment."

"I don't think your sister's gonna agree with my decision." Kevin's gaze softened as he felt the burden of guilt hanging around his neck like a noose.