Advanced flight mode

Covered in blood, saliva, and ruffled black feathers, Kevin reeked of death. There were numerous scratches all over his Teflon plates and deep scars on his face. But more than repairs, he needed a good wash first.

It was a reckless decision to pursue the hybrid back to its nest all alone, but Kevin had backed his combat abilities. In the end, he had managed to come out on top, but he knew he had to be more careful the next time he faced such a creature.

With the Zarwing killed and its nest destroyed, traveling across the wasteland became a lot safer at night. All Kevin's team had to worry about now were the Raider patrols and ambush parties. 

Once Kevin had walked some distance from the cave, his HUD came back online and he was able to access flight mode again. However, he was so far away from his teammates that his internal communicator couldn't connect to the private channels.

"Activate flight mode," Kevin instructed his AI.