The Oakley Assault (3)

Kevin's Advanced Analyzer provided him with key information even before the flanking teams could get within firing range. With the help of his AI's combat assistance, he was able to identify the approaching threats and plan ahead.

Three different hostile groups popped up on his HUD along with general information about the enemies.


[Left Flank:]

[Infantry Squad 1: Armed bandits]

[Targets identified: 10.]

[Weapons: Semi-automatic Laser Rifles.]

[Equipment: Wolfhound Combat Exosuits.]


[Right flank:]

[Infantry Squad 2: Armored Light Combat Vehicles.]

[Targets identified: 2.]

[Weapons: Semi-automatic grenade launcher and .50 Calibre Rapid-firing Mounted Machine Gun.]

[Equipment: Motion Detector and Anti-missile Counter Drones.]


[Front and center:]

[Aerial Assault Squad: Modified Tracker Drones.]

[Targets identified: 12.]

[Weapons: .30 Calibre Machine Gun.]