Angel Slayer 6.6 (2)

Captain Giles opened the Mecha's system diagnostic menu and initiated quick repairs. The drones hovering above it used their laser tools and reconstruction arrays to fix the Angel Slayer's visor. 

Meanwhile, Hanna activated all the concealed cameras on the Mecha's body to get a panoramic view of her surroundings. The holo screen in front of her showed every inch of the military base, but the cyborg was nowhere to be seen.

"What's taking you so long?" Captain Giles asked recalibrating the Mecha's remaining sensors and adjusting the brightness level.

"I am trying!" Hanna snapped in frustration. "Those bastards have wrecked the visor. I can't use the thermals."

"I'm trying to repair the visor. The thermals will be online in a few minutes. Use the cameras for now," Captain Giles advised.

"I'm doing just that," Hanna muttered, changing her viewing angle by squeezing and swiping the holo screen.