See you on the other side

// Tracking complete.

Displaying approximate location... //

Within a few seconds, the AI managed to trace the location of the tracking chip. However, since the device was moving at high speed, it couldn't pinpoint an exact position. Instead, it triangulated an area and displayed it on the hoverbike's navigation screen.

"I guess that'll have to do for now," Kevin said, looking at the area marked in blue on the hoverbike's digital display. 

On closer observation, Kevin noticed that the triangle wasn't stationary but gradually moving across the map. Dr. Zimmer was headed northeast, across the barren meadows.

Without waiting a second longer, Kevin started the Falcon and rode off in the direction of the meadows. 

Despite being an older model, Nash's hoverbike had all its components in perfect condition. Kevin had the option of getting it airborne if he wanted, but there was one slight problem. The hoverbike's power level was below 40%.