Explosive journalism

The arena was still covered in blood and guts, but as soon as the gates were thrown open, the journalists rushed in like vultures, trying to salvage whatever they could out of the gory mess.

Before the cleaning crew or even the security teams could get through to Kelly, she had half a dozen cameras and flashlights pointed at her face with reporters gazing at her as if she was a fresh slice of ham on sale in the supermarket.

"Ms. Jones, how does it feel to make it this far?"

"Why did you refuse to take any weapons with you?"

"What's the secret behind your hairpins? Are they of any cultural significance?"

"Did you feel scared while fighting the Deviants?"

"What other mutants have you fought before?"

Kelly froze in her spot as the reporters peppered her with questions. In the blinding glow of the lights pointed directly at her face, she could barely see anything around her except a few tripods and hands holding wireless microphones.