Congratulations on Completing the Task!

"You two have never disappointed me."

Instantly, Carl realized that he had teleported to the teacher's place. That answered the change of scenery and stomach discomfort. Why should teleport?

"Are you watching us?" he asked as he looked at the screens before them, in front of Julian and Vega, who were sitting under a tree, to be precise.

"Sure. I'm holding the game, so I'm responsible for monitoring it." Julian then pointed to the screen on the right. "That's where you first fell into a trap. A lot of your friends are still trapped there."

Yes, Carl could see it. It seemed to be the same place because it was still raining, and his friends kept trying to cut the roots.

"Trap automatically ends when one of them finds the pouch." Julian continued.

"Any pouches there too?" Carl showed his surprise.

"Sure. Traps are there for them. It fools you, but that's the actual answer." Vega chimed in. "Miku must have noticed that."

His surprise shifted to Miku. "Have you?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes. I saw several pouches in crab attacks, rain, and roots."

"Then why not say it?" Then he realized. He knew the reason. "Because of me, right? I was the reason."

Miku gave the nod. "It must be you to find it."

"Yes, Carl. It must have been easy for her. So she waited for you to find it. Then she helped you get it." Julian explained. Even though he wasn't there, he saw everything. Julian also understood why Miku did that. "You're the one who needs to increase the level," he added.

Carl understood. Miku also often said that as they practiced. He had to work hard to catch up to her level. And he appreciated her effort not to uncover it outside of their training.

"You should be grateful to have a companion like her," said Vega.

"Now, open the pouch. There's a present inside."

Carl complied and removed the pouch from the arrow and opened it. He tried not to comment on Julian's face sticker on it. "Food coupon?" He took out the paper from inside.

Julian smiled widely. "Yeah, for you and Miku. You can exchange it for lunch. It expires in two weeks."

"Thank you, Professor." Carl then put it in his pocket.

"Oh, your wound!" cried Julian suddenly. He noticed some rips in his clothes and wounds in several places on Carl's body. "Please, heal him, Vega," Julian asked for help from his companion. As he said, the traps would not kill them but could cause injuries.

"No need. She can heal me."


Of course, Miku.

Julian fell silent as Miku moved to heal Carl. Not using the usual medicine they often used, but with her magic. "You can heal with your magic?" he asked as he watched Carl's wounds heal one by one.

"Yes. She used to heal me after training." Carl answered in place of his companion.

"You learned how to heal." It was not a question but a sentence in conclusion to what he saw. Only healers learn how to use magic to heal. Usually, they used medicine, which magic had entered the production process.

"I grew up in a mostly healer village. So I studied that a bit," Miku explained, finishing the entire healing process. All of Carl's wounds healed, even though the rips in his clothes remained the same.

"What's so strange about that?" asked Carl, confused.

"It takes a special technique to become a healer. It's complicated even for a healing companion," Vega answered. HSh looked straight at Miku and Carl.

Carl nodded in understanding. "She said she was from a healing village. It would make sense if she mastered it."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Anyway, Carl, can you buy me a burger? There's a restaurant near the school selling big burgers."


"Buy six, please."


"Yes. To accompany us waiting for your friends to finish the task." Julian then handed him the money. "Oh, and use teleportation. I need it fast," he said as Carl turned around and was about to walk away from him.

"I can run."

Julian shook his head. "You must teleport. You'll need it in the next lesson."

Carl opened his mouth, about to say his protest. But then, it was canceled. He turned to look at Miku. "Come on, Miku."

Miku held his hand. "Are you ready?"

"Never ready for that."

Then, they disappeared in a second.


"I saw something, Darren," Irvin said after cutting the roots close to one student. He then did the same to the root approaching him. "But it disappeared when I cut it," he added.

Darren seemed to understand even though Irvin didn't say what he meant. "I will be the bait."

Irvin nodded. They immediately carried out the plan without a word.

Darren ran to avoid the roots while Irvin slashed at the roots leading to him. But his eyes watched it intently before performing his magic.

They continued to do so for several minutes while helping their friends.

"I wish Miku is still here." Suddenly, someone complained. "This can definitely be removed easily."

Darren only glanced at him disapprovingly. He hated people depending on others.

"Why? Do you lose to a trap like this?" Thomas chimed in. Although he looked exhausted, he still showed his enthusiasm.

"This is difficult, Tom. How will we find the pouches if we've only been focused on avoiding endless roots?"

"That's exactly why they left us here. That's our job, not only Miku."

Darren agreed, and he was glad they were gone.

"It's coming!" Irvin shouted.

Darren fell silent for a moment. He waited for the roots to attack him and tug at him. So Irvin had a chance to take that thing.

A moment later, it all became real. Darren had been hanging upside down on the tree. His eyes wandered around, looking for the object Irvin meant. And finally, he found it hidden in a bundle of roots. "There!" he shouted.

Irvin followed his lead. He hurried over to it and grabbed the pouch before the roots got him.

Then, it happened like Carl and Miku. They disappeared in a second.

"Darren and Irvin." Julian greeted them right after a thud was heard. "Congratulations on completing the task. You can rest here and watch them with me," he continued.

Darren and Irvin just blinked in confusion. Apparently, this was their first-time teleportation. And a second later, the attack came. They vomit.

"Vega, please, treat them."