A Hunting Game For Class (2)

"Oh, right. You can't see that."

Carl looked around again. What should he see?

"There," she pointed straight ahead with her finger. "There's a trap ten meters ahead. I can see the dust," she explained.


"Yes, dust like when I used my magic."

Again, he looked around. This time, he sharpened his sight. "I can't see anything."

"I've said you can't see that," she repeated. "Listen, Carl. High-leveled companions can use magic by leaving no dust or traces. Why do you think they created trap detection devices in hunting matches?"

"The traps set by a high-level companion." The answer just came out of his mouth.

"Correct. The committee must consist of high-level pairs so they can create traps that are difficult for the players to detect."

He gave a nod of understanding. If so... "How come the teacher's trap can be seen?"

"They did it on purpose. The teachers know it's hard for us to find, though."