Astrix vs Proturga (2)

Proturga was never an easy opponent. At least that was experienced by Eliot and Sheina against Michael and Lee.

Lee shot water balls at her. It seemed endless because it continued to follow her movements to avoid it. Sheina flew west, and it followed her at a fast speed. She then flew upwards, but it continued to follow her.

Suddenly, she saw another water attack aimed at her. Apparently, Lee created that from the water beneath them like a rope chasing her.

So she used the wind against it. It was like a wind cannon when it first came into contact with the trailing water but soon split it apart, following its path. At the same time, she gathered the leaves and then strengthened them in the wind attack. It then aimed straight at Lee in a swift and sharp attack.

Lee didn't move but took out his lighter. He created fire so that it scorched her attack. The fire was even blazing fiercely from the wind in her attack. And he shot his arrows behind it, which flew fast towards her.