
Finally, the primary competition started. It was no longer done in each other schools' arena but in a particular one in Rivendall. And coincidentally, Astrix got the match schedule on the first day of the competition. They were going up against the Green Valley team.

Excitement greeted the Astrix team as soon as they set foot in downtown Rivendall. In fact, they already saw it while approaching the border where the competition attributes were along the way. Oh, they decided to take the bus to Rivendall despite the five-hour journey just to get a different experience.

"This is amazing!" Dex exclaimed as his eyes wandered the surroundings. There were lots of booths selling competition things, as well as some people wearing attributes. They might be part of the competition committee. More, some passersby had at least one in them. It all showed Rivendall's enthusiasm to hold the big competition.