Staring at his dead friend laying on the ground, Jordan screamed in anger. Anguish filling his body. Without a thought, he ran towards Anne and threw his fist forward to punch her. Yet he missed his target and instead received a blow in his abdomen. He fell to his knees, but Anne grabbed his hair and struck his face several times until several of his teeth fell from his mouth. She then threw him away and fired an energy sphere yet Jordan n managed to knocked it away easily, causing the sphere to hit the cave behind him instead and a powerful explosion that created a powerful gust of wind.
Landing safely, Jordan reached out a handle of a blade from his pouch and pressed a button on it, causing a black blade to come out and looked at the smiling Anne who responded by manifesting a katana and engaged in a fierce blade duel.
'Thank God, Molly-sensei forced me to take her sword lesson… Fighting her in hand-to-hand combat is really hard. Dammit! Think, Jordan, think!! Mikhail was killed by her and how are you going to avenge her?!'.
Jordan's thought was cut short when Anne appeared directly in front of him and swung her katana at him who blocked it. He then thrusted his blade at Anne, but she blocked it and hit Jordan's face with the hilt. Quickly recovering, Jordan released a vertical slash followed by two fast horizontal slashes that easily parried by Anne.
Jumping away, Jordan channeled his energy into the blade and dashed at Anne. He attempted to cut Anne but failed due to Anne's fast [swift] and precise slash that land several long and deep gashes on his body. She quickly knocked away the blade and stabbed Jordan. This caused several worm-like tentacles to burst out from his back, making him screamed in agony as the tentacle proceeded to feast [on] his flesh and blood.
He collapsed into the ground, writhing in agony as the tentacles wrapping his neck to prevent him from breathing. He gasped for air whilst Anne laughed at his condition and raised her katana to stab Anne when suddenly she was blasted away by someone. She gritted her teeth and much to her confusion and horror, Mikhail is the person that blasted her away as he healed the unconscious and still-bleeding Jordan.
"How are you still alive?!" asked Anne to Mikhail who said nothing and looked at her with the creepiest smile. She sensed for his energy and found out something horrible!
His Celestial Energy is now replaced with Demonic Energy, and it kept rising and rising as if there is no stop for it!! His energy is so immense that it is similar Black Diamond!! As she kept staring at Mikhail, he laughed hysterically in a dual, demonic, and deep voice which alerted Anne that the man in front of him is no longer the Cursed Child but rather someone else that is taking over his body.
Mikhail rushed to Anne so fast that he disappeared from her sight and appeared just in front of her with his fist aiming for her face. Before she could dodge, Mikhail sent a right hook followed by left hook to her chin, an uppercut that shattered her jaw and a powerful blow to her abdomen which pushed her several meters away.
For the first time, Anne coughed up blood. She growled at the smiling Mikhail and slammed her palm to the ground, causing crystallized spikes to burst out from the ground and coming at Mikhail. He responded by pointing his index and middle finger at it and produced a strong field of attraction that shattered the spikes.
"What the hell?!" Anne screamed after witnessing Mikhail's technique. She quickly jumped away, but Mikhail appeared behind her and kicked her to the ground. He fired countless of energy spheres that has no accuracy and formed a hand sign that caused the spheres to surround Anne and exploded.
Mikhail giggled at his so-called artwork and watched in awe as Anne flew to the air with cuts and burn marks. She gritted her teeth and screamed at Mikhail who provoked and flew at him, but he struck her head so hard that not only she crashed to the ground but also blood spraying out from the side of her head. He then brutally pummeled her, not letting her to stand up or have a chance to fight back. Each blow was like a sledgehammer to Anne who stand no chance to fight back.
"What's wrong, Elizabeth?! Is that all you got?! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!" screamed Mikhail to Anne as he lifted Anne with one hand and threw her away. He flew above her, cupped his hands and reeled back before slammed it to her head, sending her to the ground. He then performed a hand seal that summoned a Buddhist gate that disfigured to enshrine the Devil. The gate opened to reveal several souls that attacked Anne brutally. "Souls of the Sinned… I hope you can entertain them for a while."
Mikhail smiled and watched as the souls attacked Anne's flesh who cried in agony and unable to defend herself. He began to chuckle before laughed hysterically as he scratches his head until he tore his flesh although it regenerated quickly.
Eventually, Anne managed to destroy the souls and the gate. She glared angrily at Mikhail who began to float and claps his hands. The injured Anne that slowly healing herself screamed at Mikhail and flew at him with a speed that intend to go through his body but Mikhail able to avoid, grabbed her ankle and crushed it before spun her around and threw her to the ground. She jumped away but Mikhail appeared before her and elbowed her up to the air.
"Take this!!"
Mikhail hits her with a barrage of punches and kicks with the last blow delivered a massive damage to her stomach. He sent a left hook kick that stunned Anne before charging an energy sphere and fired it at Anne.
She dropped to the ground as Mikhail stared at, a wide grin on his face.
"I'm here."
Molly knocked the door, and, in few seconds, the door was opened by one of her students who is no other than Linh. She gave her mentor a brief hug and invited her to her house as she closed the door and watched Adhila, Tracy, and Huoy greeted their mentor too as well.
"What brings you here?" asked Linh to Molly who sat down. "I thought you want to wait at the house until Mika comes back."
"I did but it's so weird because he should be back an hour ago since it is just a scout mission and I felt uneasy."
As soon as Molly finished saying that, suddenly an unstable portal opened above them, and a dying Jordan fell from it. Quickly, they rushed to Jordan as Linh cries when she stared at his condition while Molly quickly performed a medical technique to heal his wounds. Jordan opened his eyes slowly and weakly said,
"Where… is Mika?"
Immediately, he passed out after asking for Mikhail's whereabout, much to Molly's confusion and horror. She quickly took out her phone and called out for Kaguya as she instructed Linh to carry Jordan to go the hospital.
Back to Mikhail and Anne
"For 500 years have I fought and killed both humans and demons, none of them manage to reach my expectation. I thought after I managed to escape from the prison, this era of demons can surpass the old generation but… What a joke…"
Mikhail looked at the defeated Anne that struggling to breath properly. She is defeated, unable to fight back and has no energy to fight him let alone move her finger. She could only lay on the ground, staring at the dark sky as Mikhail looked at the moon and smiled.
A genuine smile.
He chuckled and walked away, deciding to head to Tokyo to… who knows?
Perhaps pay a visit to old friend or unleash an unimaginable and unstoppable chaos and destruction.
As he walks away, suddenly, he flinched and quickly looked at Anne with a surprised expression. Her demonic energy suddenly rising which intrigued Mikhail.
Anne looked at the sky and whispered,
"Demonic… Trans…formation…"
Immediately, Anne was surrounded by dark red energy that made Mikhail widened his eyes and watched as Anne slowly floating in the sky and glaring at him. All her injuries gone in less than a second as her skin became red and resembles a reptilian creature with spikes on her forearms and head. A pair of horns also spotted on her forehead.
Her nails became dark and long around six to eight inches. She sprouted a pair of fiery bat-like wings that is so big and have cracks glowing on it, a tail with a stinger and her feet now became three-toed feet. Her eyes shifted to pitch black with sharp fangs.
"This time you ARE the one who will entertain me, brat!!"
Mikhail said nothing and smirked. This is where the fun begins, he thought to himself as he cracked his knuckles.